Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stop, Drop and Roll

They say that when you catch on fire, you're supposed to stop, drop and roll. Basically, I have no idea why I'm mentioning this, except for the fact that I couldn't think of a title for this post and this was the first thing that came to mind. Anyway, moving on...

A friend of mine, contemporary German critic and philosopher Janina "Hagan-Daz" recently made a point that I think is interesting. She said if we don't or can't know what the meaning of life is, then it has no meaning. For life to have meaning we have to know what it is.

Imagine we all go about our lives, this happens, that happens, we all eventually die, the sun burns out, there is no trace that humans ever existed. Also, for the purpose of this thought experiment, let's assume death is the end of personal existence - there is no afterlife, cycle of rebirth, etc. Let's also just assume that human existence created no ripple effect in any other part of the universe causing any noticeable effects whatsoever anywhere else. In a case like this, is it possible that were was a meaning? This raises some points:

-It seems like for there to be meaning, our lives must make some contribution or have some kind of impact on something that outlives ourselves and even persists forever.
-If we have to know the meaning for there to be one, is this because we then need to know how to act?

Imagine someone named Fred. Let's say Fred believes that the meaning of life is to collect Nike sneakers, and he spends as much time as he can doing so. Then one day he dies and that's the end of Fred. A lot of people would probably think that collecting Nike shoes is not the meaning of life and therefore Fred wasted his time. Some people, however, might say that's what Fred enjoyed, so it's perfectly legitimate to spend one's time doing what he or she enjoys. Indeed, some people that's the meaning of life: doing what you enjoy.

Imagine someone named Susan. Let's say Susan believes the meaning of life is caring for people, and she devotes her life to all sorts of pursuits that help people in need. Now, probably a good many people more would think this is closer to what the meaning of life is or might be, and feel like Susan didn't waste her life.

Now, in both of these cases, the individual dies, and let's assume death is the end. Also, eventually, Fred's Nike sneakers will turn to dust. But also, everyone person that Susan helped will also turn to dust, and someday there may be no trace of the fact that the suffering of a person was lessened. If this is the case, does it really matter if someone collected shoes and someone helped people? Of course, many people - myself included - want to think that Susan was right, that helping other people is important and somehow relates to what all of this is about. Unfortunately, though, it seems we cannot know this for sure.

This returns to Nietzsche's point, mentioned yesterday, about philosophy really being about conduct. Perhaps we think helping those in need is "meaningful" because it's a measure of self-protection. If we are someday in need - and even the most secure and wealthy, somewhere in the back of their minds, know it could be them someday - we want to promote kind behavior in case we someday need it ourselves.

Here are some questions that I am now pondering but am too tired to write about...

-What does it even mean to say "does life have meaning?"
-Is it possible for the universe to have a meaning but not our lives? Does there have to be some grand connection between the meaning of our lives and the meaning of the universe? Let's keep in mind the universe is mind-numbingly large.
-Does our behavior relate to the meaning of life? Does someone who has a million friends and helps a million people have a more meaningful life than someone who lives as a recluse in the woods?

1 comment:

  1. I need to evaluate my thought.

    Meaning of life, the way I understand the term, means the whole purpose of your existence and therefor can not be set by you yourself.

    If not anyone else but I myself was to find out the meaning of my individual life, then the meaning of life is something very unique. Sneakers or helping others. But either way you would have to come up with the meaning of your life yourself. And if I dont come up with anything, my life simply has no meaning. Or I change my meaning every three months. So any meaning you give your own life doesnt really count as meaning of life. Its simply personal values.
    I could also chose to say there simply is no meaning. No purpose of my existence. We just happen to be. Yes I think we should just try to be happy and not make others unhappy but that can hardly be the meaning of my life.

    So my whole point is actually that the real meaning of life needs to be set in stone. Some higher form would have to give it to you the moment you are born.
    But then... life doesnt have a meaning because no one told us what the meaning was.
    If the meaning of my life was to destroy the sun because doing that we could save another universe blabla, then if we don't know that meaning, we would never try to destroy the sun and none of us could ever say that that was the meaning of her/his life.
    So while my life should have had the meaning of destroying the sun, it would eventually have no meaning at all because I didn't destroy the sun.
    (On the other hand, who the hell has the right to tell you what your meaning of life should be...but thats another point.)

    So what I'm trying to say: I dont think that there is a meaning of life as
    a) Any meaning I give my own life is just an individual thought I come up with at some point in my life (or not) and can not be the purpose of my existence
    b) Any meaning by some higher form can not be the meaning of my life as I simply dont know and will never find out what that meaning should have been.

    One last thought: If the purpose was given by some higher form and was just me living and, say, breathing, then I would fullfill it without knowing. That however is a frustrating boring thought as I would never find out and die assuming my life has no meaning.
